Frankly, I figure if Downbeat can do it why not me!
Its ALL Allan Holdsworth's fault really (hows that for a logic dis-connect). What I am talking about is this...every once in a while a musician comes along with a whole new style or sound, their ideas change (or add) to the musical paradigm and I would argue that Mr. Holdsworth is one of those very musicians.
Back in the late 70's early eighties I used to get in discussions about who gets the credit for the legato "sheets of notes" with accompanying slurring lay-off's so familiar in Holdsworth's playing. Not to mention the bizarre fingerings and speed...it was nuts! My rocker/metal Friends would claim that Eddie Van Halen led the way, I scoffed. I mean certainly Eddies got loads of talent, but he's not Holdsworth.
That point made, and now 20+ years down the road there is a whole "holdsworth school". Fairly or unfairly, guitarist's get clumped into this.
Enter Scott Mcgill.
Mcgill does play at times in the holdsworth school..but more like a metal version of Holdsworth's I.O.U. band. Its good. CRUNCHY. Also..I gotta tell you MCGILL STANDS OUT. The trio stuff with Manring et al is great music, you need this. I am just about to spin over to mcgill own site to load up on a couple of his newer releases..since he hooked up with David Torn his playing has taken the great leap forward (sorry Mao).
There's also a trio with percy jones, for some reason the only way to get it is I-tunes (yow) It's nuts. I detest I-tunes...but ...I had to.
Scott, some oddballs (like me) like to actually hold a CD.

Do this now....The download of percy/mcgill is the best thing I have heard all year!
the album...
Scott McGill: Freak Zoid
Dear Jaybird,
ReplyDeleteI know this is a bit late but thank you for posting this as it's greatly appreciated. I have been releasing material since 1997 in one form or another and I will continue to do so. Thank you for posting about my work and let's keep in touch if possible.